

China Puts on Military Spectacle in Attempt to Scare Nancy Pelosi Away from Taiwan
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) staged military exercises and published propaganda videos of various weapons, including an alleged “aircraft carrier killer,” on Sunday and Monday in anticipation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) arriving in Asia and potentially visiting Taiwan. Read More.
D.C. Mayor Calls For National Guard To Deal With Influx Of Illegal Migrants
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) said Thursday that she has asked for the National Guard to be deployed to help handle the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the nation’s capital. Read More.
Defiant Joe Biden Claims News of Shrinking Economy ‘Doesn’t Sound like a Recession’
President Joe Biden grew defensive at the White House on Thursday after insisting the United States economy is not experiencing a recession on his watch. Read More.
What's in the Manchin-Schumer tax hike and climate change bill?
After more than a year of "Build Back Better" talks, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin Wednesday announced an agreement on a highly scaled-back reconciliation package. Read More.
Media Watcher Touts J6 Committee TV Show as 'Civics Lesson.' Hardly.
CNN’s Brian Stelter touted the popularity of the January 6 Committee TV show, which ended its “summertime series,” as he called it, with boffo ratings. Considering the hearings were shown on most broadcast networks, that’s hardly a grand feat. Read More.
An Argument for Good Guys With Guns
No phrase is hated more by the anti-gun cartel than “the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” It challenges the narrative that guns in America are inherently bad and that the Second Amendment is obsolete. But the truth of that phrase was emphasized on July 18 in Greenwood, Indiana, when a passerby in a shopping mall shot and killed a mass shooter 15 seconds into a rampage that had already caused three deaths. The hero was legally carrying a concealed handgun. Read More.
WH’s Deese: ‘In Terms of the Technical Definition,’ Two Negative Quarters of Growth ‘Not a Recession’
As concerns mount about a possible recession this year, White House National Economic Council director Brian Deese argued that a second consecutive quarter of negative GDP growth was technically “not a recession.” According to Deese, the “technical definition considers a much broader spectrum of data points.” He also emphasized the need to look ahead rather than “technical debates about backward-looking data.” Read More.
Facebook has been accused of “discriminatory and racist” behaviour after it deleted historical photos from a group that publishes archival photos of men and women from Papua New Guinea. The group, which boasts over 55,000 members, claims photos showing traditional dress or ceremonies were deleted for allegedly containing nudity – but photos showing nudity among white people were not. Read More.
Trump was right. Joe Biden probably lied about the Wuhan virus. Was it a purposeful attack from China?
We now know that the American media and their Democratic president, Joe Biden have been misleading the American people about the origins of the COVID 19 virus that killed 600,000 Americans. On May 23, 2021 The Wall Street Journal broke a story detailing how three lab workers in Wuhan, China were sent to the hospital with COVID-like symptoms as early as November, 2019, before the outbreak occurred.  This news puts in question the assurance offered from the American media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Biden administration that the origins of the virus were natural and animal based. Read More.
In less than five months Joe Biden has brought this country to the brink. After years of cowering under Donald Trump, terrorism is back and proud. Peace in the Middle East, one of Trump’s most spectacular achievements has been shattered. Biden simply unfroze billions of dollars of sanctioned money for Iran and topped it off with a quick 135 million dollar love gift. Within days Hamas rockets were raining down on Israel and Jews were being attacked on the streets of American cities. Four years of peace under Trump were in the past. Read More.
“This the Nature of Communism – They Want to Force the Lie” – Historian Doug Wead Goes Off on Democrats Over Jan. 6 Lies (VIDEO)
Doug Wead, is a historian, New York Times bestselling author, and advisor to two American presidents. On Friday Doug Wead joined author and presidential historian Craig Shirley on Greg Kelly Tonight to discuss the Democrats’ latest attempts to rewrite history with their dishonest talking points on the January 6 protest and riot at the US Capitol. Read More.
Irritated by the fact that Donald Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" helped the United States get a vaccine in record time, President Joe Biden has been working relentlessly to take the credit for it all and deny Trump any glory or any part in the process. It has been recognized as the biggest combined effort of the private and public sectors since the Manhattan Project which developed the atomic bomb.  Read More.
Four Things You Don't Know About Candace Owens' Husband George Farmer
Candace Owens is a hot topic but now Parler is too. It's the social media site that Big Tech squashed and has fought every step of the way. (It took me months to figure out how to beat the Left and get back on the platform. If you are having problems go here and I will show you how). Parler has a new CEO. George Farmer. I'll give you a little hint, he is married to Candace Owens. Here Are Four Things You Don't Know About George Farmer and why Candace Owens' Husband is the best thing that happened to Parler. Read More.
Reparations for slavery have already begun. Even without legislation, here's how Biden is transferring wealth from Whites to Blacks.
An official in the Biden administration has called it the largest transfer of wealth in American history. In a meeting with leaders of Black run businesses, non profit organizations and educational foundations, a Biden official official recently declared that the Biden administration has already begun the $14 trillion transfer of wealth from White America to Black America to help redress years of discrimination.  Read More.
Trump Praises UK Proposal to Mandate Photo IDs to Vote, Says US Should Follow Suit
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday seized on news that British voters will have to show photo ID if they want to cast their ballots in future general elections, saying all U.S. states should pass similar laws to avoid an election “rigged and stolen from us.” Read More.

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