

Apple and China Want to Delete Apps on Your Phone
In China, authoritarians flood Twitter with ads for prostitutes and pornography in an effort to prevent users from obtaining information about protests. Authoritarians in the United States threaten to remove Twitter from more than 1.5 billion devices worldwide. Read More.
Musk Releasing Files On How Twitter Suppressed Free Speech
Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Monday that he will soon be releasing files on how the social media platform has engaged in suppressing free speech. Read More.
Appointment of Special Counsel Amounts to Election Interference and Sets Dangerous Precedent
While the Republicans kicked off the 2024 presidential race with the announcement that former President Donald Trump was again running for president, in perhaps the ultimate sign of our ignominious times, the Democrats, in effect, kicked off their half of the contest three days later by appointing a special counsel to escalate their political prosecution of him. Read More.
Washington liars will not stop us from rescuing America
Earlier this year, I released a plan with more than 100 ideas for how Republicans can govern and rescue America from President Joe Biden’s radical, socialist agenda that has done nothing but destroy our country with debt, record inflation, and massive crime. Read More.
‘Put America Last’: Biden Gives Chevron Greenlight To Start Pumping Oil In Venezuela Again
Democrat President Joe Biden faced backlash over the weekend after his administration announced it would allow Chevron to resume pumping oil in socialist Venezuela. Read More.
LIZ WHEELER: Twelve Republican Senators Betrayed The Institution Of Marriage
On November 16, all 50 Democratic senators and 12 of their Republican counterparts voted to advance the Respect for Marriage Act, circumventing the filibuster and paving the way for the bill’s imminent passage. Read More.
The New York Times is yet another of Sam Bankman-Fried’s easy marks
The old joke is that “journalistic ethics” is a contradiction in terms. The New York Times is doing its best to prove it true this week, with its bizarre showcasing of Sam Bankman-Fried, the fallen founder of blown-up crypto exchange FTX, at the paper’s exclusive Davos-style summit in Manhattan featuring “icons of business” and “changemakers” for their “influential minds” and “powerful insights.” Read More.
Two House Races Still Wait For Final Results More Than Two Weeks After Midterms
Seventeen days since voters went to the polls to cast their ballots in the midterm elections, two U.S. House races remain undeclared. Read More.
It’s Trump vs. the Establishment All Over Again
Since the “red wave” fizzled out, a consensus has quickly emerged in the media that Donald Trump is no longer a viable political force. The newly anointed prince of the Right, according to the tastemakers, is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump’s more palatable, less chaotic protégé. Read More.
The climate grift continues
The U.N. Climate Conference has left behind a terrible stench. But it doesn’t come from the 400 jets that flew world leaders to that exercise in retributive multilateral egalitarianism last weekend. Read More.
Lib Mag: If President Joe Biden Runs Again In ’24, He Should Dump Kamala Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris says she’s ready to run again as President Joe Biden’s running mate in 2024 should he decide to go. Read More.
Colorado Springs & The Left’s Blood Libel
Today The New York Times reports that the "Evangelical Vatican" (their words) that is Colorado Springs makes gays feel unsafe in the wake of the gay club massacre: Read More.
Time is running out for Joe and Hunter Biden as GOP prepares investigation
We are reliably informed that “elections have consequences,” and House Republicans are eager to prove it by using their new majority to reveal Biden family corruption. Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, incoming chairman of the Oversight Committee, was blunt about his goal. Read More.
Democrats Renew Push For Cryptocurrency Regulations, Target Company That Serves As Both Exchange And Bank
Democratic lawmakers on Monday called upon regulators to examine bank holding company SoFi Technologies, which owns a subsidiary cryptocurrency exchange. Read More.
John Fetterman Is The New Normal
Pennsylvania’s still-recovering stroke victim and senator-elect, whose parents provided him with his main source of income for a considerable amount of his adult life, is the blueprint for America’s future politicians. Read More.
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