

Nearing the truth on the Biden racket
It’s been more than two years since The Post published the first article on Hunter Biden’s laptop and for much of that time, the effort to reveal Joe Biden’s role in his son’s dirty deals seemed stalled or even hopeless. Read More.
John Bolton Says He May Run Against Trump In 2024
Former National Security Adviser John Bolton revealed Monday he may run for president in 2024 to spoil Donald Trump’s reelection bid. Read More.
Coming to terms: The COVID lockdowns were all for naught
How different it feels this time around. Broadcasters are lustily cheering anti-lockdown protesters in China. Members of Congress offer unqualified support. President Joe Biden, although more guarded, is sympathetic. Read More.
Why efforts to dismiss Musk's 'Twitter Files' by liberal media won't work this time
In the aftermath of the release of the "Twitter Files," the media and political establishment appear to be taking a lesson from Karl Marx who said, "history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." Read More.
Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter files’ demand answers from the government
The “Twitter files” Elon Musk released to two journalists have produced a cloud of confusion. So far, we have not seen the files themselves, only what one journalist, Matt Taibbi, has reported about them. Read More.
The West must wake up to China's threat
China is now, without question, the single biggest threat to our security and the freedoms many of us have taken for granted. The evidence for this rests in China's appalling behavior over a number of years. Beijing poses a clear and present threat to Britain and our allies. Read More.
European Country Considers Banning Electric Vehicle Travel Amid Energy Crisis: Report
Switzerland is considering banning electric vehicles for non-essential travel this winter as the continent deals with an energy crisis sparked by Russia’s war in Ukraine. Read More.
Weinstein Lawyer Slams Gavin Newsom’s Wife, Calls Tryst With Hollywood Mogul ‘Consensual, Transactional’
The attorney for former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein slammed California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s wife in court Thursday, accusing her of lying about Weinstein in an “overly dramatized” performance. Read More.
Revisionism and anti-Jewish rhetoric
New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay is embarrassing her newspaper. Again. Read More.
Media treats fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried with kid gloves because he was a Dem darling
People often talk about “cancel culture.” The way in which people are “canceled” from public life for the tiniest error of judgement or the most minute misstep. Read More.
Sam Bankman-Fried Denies Wrongdoing In FTX Implosion During Live-Streamed New York Times Interview
New York Times financial columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin interviewed former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried after his cryptocurrency empire imploded. Read More.
Meet Raphael Warnock’s Paymasters
Since early voting commenced in the Georgia runoff between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, the corporate media has made much of the former’s funding advantage as if this is somehow unusual for an incumbent seeking reelection. Read More.
Biden's HHS continues to politicize your health care and marginalize people of faith
Health care providers, doctors and nurses shouldn’t have to choose between serving their patients or following their deeply held religious beliefs. Neither should patients be forced to pay for health care products and services that violate their faith. Read More.
DeSantis Nails Disney After CEO Bob Iger ‘Sorry’ For Fighting Florida: ‘They Brought This On Themselves’
Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Disney during an interview Tuesday night after the company’s CEO, Bob Iger, said that he was sorry that the company was “dragged” into a fight with the state of Florida. Read More.
Biden’s hypocrisy on unions: Everyone else pays but him
“I intend to be the most  pro-union president  leading the most pro- union administration in American history,” President Biden promised last year. At least until a rail strike threatened his poll numbers. Read More.
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