

5 Times The Mueller Probe Broke Prosecutorial Rules That Ensure Justice
CNN recently published an article arguing that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should not have issued a report suggesting the president may have committed obstruction of justice without actually reaching this conclusion. CNN is obviously disappointed because inside the leftist echo chamber the obstruction case seems undisputable. Read More.
Opportunity Zones: A New Dawn for Economic Opportunity
As Ronald Reagan foretold a generation ago, it is morning again in America. Today’s booming economy, under President Donald J. Trump, stands in stark contrast to the stagnation and volatility Americans endured over the past decade. Read More.
No Money Left by 2035 in SS
Workers and retirees have long been warned that Social Security’s trust fund will run out of funds sometime in the future, and that the program has many trillions of dollars in unfunded obligations. Read More.
Watch: Crazy Bernie Excited by Cuban Revolution
Senator Bernie Sanders was filmed giving a 1986 lecture in which he praised the Cuban revolution led by Communist ruler Fidel Castro. Read More.
Watch: Unhinged Dems Want Prison Time for Trump Officials
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked Democratic Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline if he could “watch” members of the Trump administration getting arrested for failing to comply with subpoenas, during his show Thursday night. Read More.
A week after Western brethren, Orthodox Christians mark Good Friday in Jerusalem
Orthodox Christians from around the world marked Good Friday with a procession through Jerusalem’s Old City, retracing the steps Jesus is said to have taken on the way to his death. Read More.
The Attacks on Christians and America's First Freedom
The Islamic State (ISIS) has now taken credit for the Muslim massacre of Christians in Sri Lana. On average over 300 Christians a month are killed for their faith globally. This is the end result of a campaign of disrespect and hate towards Christians that have become a significant theme of American politics as well. Read More.
'Bombshell' report on James Comey coming in two weeks, Joe diGenova says
A "bombshell" report on former FBI Director James Comey is coming out in two weeks, attorney Joe diGenova said on Wednesday. Read More.
Florida appears poised to join a righteous law-and-order backlash against so-called sanctuary cities that shield and harbor illegal aliens in defiance of the nation’s immigration laws, after a pro-immigration enforcement bill passed the state’s House of Representatives. Read More.
What Drove the Mueller Investigation?
Mueller’s team went down every blind alley relating to its investigation -- except where Obama-era officials were likely culpable for relevant unethical or illegal behavior. Read More.
Baltimore Mayor Bolts -- Pugh Missing After FBI-IRS Raid
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) has gone missing after the FBI and IRS raided her home, according to Baltimore CBS affiliate WJZ. Read More.
The Green New Scam
Green New Deal proponents, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have long claimed that the GND, an expansive, costly, and dramatic change in the American economy (and in American infrastructure), would be worth it if it such extreme measures would in the long run lessen our impact on climate. Read More.

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