

​Maxine Waters threw down an ultimatum to Trump that he is going to hate
Maxine Waters is one the Democrats driving the left’s impeachment push. The California Democrat made no secret that removing the President from office is her top goal. Read More.
Judge Jeanine Pirro just gave James Comey some really bad news
No one in America had a worse week than disgraced former FBI Director James Comey. Attorney General William Barr ripped the lid off Comey’s misdeeds by confirming in Senate testimony that the FBI and the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. Read More.
Dan Crenshaw stunned Ilhan Omar into silence with this tweet
Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar always finds herself in the middle of a national political firestorm. But this time she may have went too far. Read More.
Copy of Bernie Sanders' World Turned Upside Down When he Confessed to this Fraud
Bernie Sanders is currently one of the front runners for the Democrat Presidential nomination. But he has some explaining to do. That’s because his world turned upside down when he confessed to this fraud Read More.
Bernie Sanders' World Turned Upside Down When he Confessed to this Fraud
Bernie Sanders is currently one of the front runners for the Democrat Presidential nomination. But he has some explaining to do. That’s because his world turned upside down when he confessed to this fraud Read More.
Bernie Sanders confessed to the one thing that ruined his challenge to Trump
Breitbart reports: He added, “Look, health care is not free." Sanders further stated that health care will “be free at the point of when you use it, okay?” Read More.
You won’t believe what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said is causing illegal immigration
There is no question Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is driving the policy conversation on the left. Democrats running for President are wholeheartedly adopting her socialist platform. Read More.
An ugly secret from Beto O’Rourke’s past just destroyed his Presidential campaign
Beto O’Rourke entered the Presidential contest too much fanfare. But O’Rourke struggled to maintain his status as the liberal media darling as other candidates emerged. And now this ugly secret from Beto O’Rourke’s past just drove the final nail in his campaign’s coffin. Read More.
This Deep State agent said eight shocking words that caused all hell to break loose
This Deep State agent said eight shocking words that caused all hell to break loose For the past two years, Robert Mueller and his investigation haunted President Trump’s administration. But now the tables have turned. Read More.
All hell broke loose when Robert Mueller revealed his verdict on Donald Trump’s guilt
The release of Robert Mueller’s report was two years in the making. Democrats and anti-Trump reporters treated “Mueller time” like Christmas morning, fully convinced that the special counsel would deliver the smoking gun that would finally bring down Donald Trump. Read More.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave the one answer that left Everyone Speechless
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was on the hot seat. The self-identified Democrat Socialist was facing questions about the biggest defeat of her life. Read More.
Top 25 New Barbecue Joints Texas
Texas barbecue is flourishing. The pace at which new joints, and more specifically great new joints, are opening is staggering. I’ve spent the two years since we published our 2017 list of the Top 50 barbecue jointstrying to keep up by taking frequent road trips to every corner of the state. Now, no matter where you are in Texas—even on the Llano Estacado—you’re not far from great barbecue. Read More.
Peterson vs. Zizek: Which Antidote to Chaos?
Two eminent public intellectuals — Jordan B. Peterson, the Canadian psychologist, and Slavoj Zizek, the Slovenian philosopher — sold out the Sony Centre in Toronto with their debate “Happiness, Capitalism vs. Marxism.” Read More.
Contrary to the vast majority of my fellow scholars of American history, I have never found the account of the creation of political parties in the Founding Era and Early Republic to be credible. Admittedly, my position is one of an extremely small minority, so I do not mean to suggest that historians are ready to discard their time-honored and experienced-honed beliefs. Read More.
How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost
As Donald Trump began his meteoric rise to the presidency, the Obama White House summoned Ukrainian authorities to Washington to coordinate ongoing anti-corruption efforts inside Russia’s most critical neighbor. Read More.

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