

Megyn Kelly hit Donald Trump with a surprise that he never saw coming
Megyn Kelly's career went off the rails after she began feuding with Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential election. Read More.
Maxine Waters picked a fight with Donald Trump that she instantly lived to regret
Maxine Waters has been front and center on the calls to impeach Donald Trump going back to last year. Read More.
​All hell broke loose when Trey Gowdy dropped one clue about a big Obama crime
Barack Obama’s cover-up of the “Spygate” scandal is collapsing by the day. Attorney General William Barr announced three different investigations into the origin of the Russian collusion hoax and the walls appeared to be closing in on Obama. And then all hell broke loose when Trey Gowdy dropped a massive hint about a smoking gun that will ruin Barack Obama. Read More.
​Brett Kavanaugh just dealt Nancy Pelosi this bad news that will ruin her life
Nancy Pelosi is going to lose her mind. The Speaker of the House is about to watch everything she worked for crumble before her very eyes. Read More.
​Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed a victory that will leave you speechless
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a magnet for controversy since she entered Congress. Read More.
Joe Biden instantly regretted making this campaign destroying mistake
Joe Biden shot to the top of the polls the day he declared his candidacy for President. Some pundits even think Biden will defeat President Trump if Biden makes it to General Election. But that all changed because Joe Biden instantly regretted making this campaign destroying mistake that will leave your jaw on the ground. Read More.
William Barr was blindsided by what James Comey said about him committing a crime
Attorney General William Barr has a target painted on his back. Every elected Democrat and Deep State agent wants to bring him down. Butt William Barr was blindsided by what James Comey said about him committing a crime. Read More.
Donald Trump was betrayed by the one person he never would have suspected
Donald Trump thought the Russia investigation was behind him. The collusion narrative proved to be a hoax and Attorney General William Barr cleared him of obstruction of justice. Read More.
All hell broke loose when William Barr sent Nancy Pelosi this letter
Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Congress delivered an ultimatum to Attorney General William Barr. Democrats demanded the Attorney General hand over an unredacted version of the Mueller report or face severe consequences. Read More.
​Chuck Schumer just made a surprising confession about Donald Trump
Chuck Schumer made thwarting Donald Trump’s agenda his number one priority from the moment the President took office. Schumer and the Democrats filibustered and obstructed at every turn to deny President Trump political victories. Read More.
Barack Obama found out his allies could be going to jail in the worst way ever
For over two years, criminal leakers within the federal government tortured the Trump administration. That all could be about to change. Read More.
You won’t believe what Ilhan Omar said about Notre Dame burning down
The images of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris burning caused shock and sadness around the world. One of the great symbols and beacons of Christendom faced complete destruction. And you won’t believe what Ilhan Omar said about Notre Dame burning down. Read More.
What Ilhan Omar said about Jesus will leave you speechless
Ilhan Omar’s list of controversies and scandals continues to grow by the day. But this time Omar crossed a line that she may not be able to come back from. Read More.
Trey Gowdy dropped the hammer on this Trump challenger
It seems like every day a new Democrat running for President pops out of the woodwork. But as the Democrat clown car swells, some of the contenders are more ridiculous than others. Read More.
Rush Limbaugh asked one question that is bad news for Pelosi and Schumer
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s world was turned upside down when Attorney General William Barr confirmed the Obama administration colluded with the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign. Read More.
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