An MSNBC panel on Wednesday seriously raised the prospect of Pennsylvania senator-elect John Fetterman seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in two years.

Fetterman, who overcame a May stroke that left him with an alarming inability to process or respond to questions to defeat Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz, could be just what the party needs, according to Katy Tur.

“Fetterman as a nominee at some point for president, um, I know there are some variables, obviously,” Tur said, as chuckles could be heard from other panelists, including Jen Psaki, Michael Steele and Andrea Mitchell. “But I just, you know, what he did in the super-red, deep red parts of Pennsylvania, and the way that he ran ahead of Biden, as you said, ran ahead of Trump, it just makes you wonder about his future.”
John Fetterman by Governor Tom Wolf is licensed under Flickr Flickr
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