There is no question Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is driving the policy conversation on the left.

Democrats running for President are wholeheartedly adopting her socialist platform.

But now Ocasio-Cortez is pushing the envelope, and you won’t believe what she says is causing illegal immigration.

The twin pillars of Alexandria Ocasiop-Cortez’s plan to effect a socialist takeover in America are so-called “global warming” and illegal immigration.

And she just combined them in a one-two punch that critics believe the Democrats will make the focus of their policy agenda should they win back the White House in 2020.

America is facing a crisis along the Southern border.

In March, Customs and Border Patrol stopped nearly 100,000 illegal aliens from entering the country.

That was the highest number of attempted border crossings in over a decade.

President Trump is trying to solve this problem, but Democrats refuse to work in good faith to change the immigration and asylum laws that act as a magnet for illegal aliens.

Instead, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is claiming the “root cause” of illegal immigration is so-called “man made global warming.”

Ocasio-Cortez is “beta testing” another messaging vehicle to sell her 93 trillion dollar Green New Deal scheme.

The Green New Deal is a socialist takeover of the United States economy that will ban airplane travel, fossil fuel powered cars and curtail Americans ability to eat meat.

It is political poison for Democrats.

But it’s the crown jewel of left’s pot to turn American into another Venezuela.

So Ocasio-Cortez is pitching so-called “global warming” as the cause of the spike in illegal immigration into frightening Americans into accepting the Green New Deal.

Critics believe the bigger worry is that if a Democrat wins the White House in 2020, they will latch on to this messaging to ram the Green New Deal into law at the start of their administration when their political capital is the greatest.

Do you think so-called “global warming” is causing illegal immigration?

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