
The White House and its media allies are in full defensive mode over videos of President Joe Biden appearing to freeze, or zone out, or something, at three recent public events. The White House effort comes after the Republican National Committee made an aggressive move to spread the videos through social media.

The three incidents are Biden’s June 6 appearance at D-Day anniversary ceremonies in Normandy, France, his June 10 appearance at a White House Juneteenth concert, and his June 15 appearance at a celebrity-filled Hollywood fundraiser. 

In the D-Day matter, Biden seemed to wander away from a group of leaders watching a skydiving exhibition. There is no doubt he seemed a bit disconnected, but on the other hand, there were skydivers landing all around the group, and Biden appeared to be interested in greeting some of them who were a little removed from the leaders’ group. So maybe that is all Biden was doing, in his slow and somewhat out-of-it way. The other leaders gently corralled Biden back to the group and it was over. Perhaps there wasn’t really much to the episode, regardless of what the Republican National Committee said.

Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr
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