
Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, called for decriminalizing prostitution in a February 2019 interview. Speaking with The Root—an online magazine geared towards African Americans—the then 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate unequivocally endorsed ending criminal punishments for what the interviewer called “sex work.”

“Do you think that sex work ought to be decriminalized,” the interviewer asks Harris, who has spent much of her 2024 presidential campaign building up the image that she is a former tough-on-crime prosecutor. Harris responds: “I think so. I do.”

“When you’re talking about consenting adults, I think that you know, yes, we should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed,” Harris continues before adding: “But at the point that anyone’s being harmed or exploited, then I think we have to understand that’s a different matter.”

The California Democrat tacked hard to the political left during her short-lived 2020 presidential primary candidate, attempting to outflank the likes of Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders. After Harris was selected to replace the 81-year-old incumbent Joe Biden as the 2024 party nominee—following Biden’s exit from the race in July—the former California Attorney General has tried to distance herself from her prior progressive policy stances.

The National Pulse reported on Monday that Harris backed taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for illegal immigrants on an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) questionnaire she filled out during her 2020 camping. Harris’s disastrous 2020 primary campaign has proven to be a significant liability for her current bid for the White House. Former staffers who worked on Harris’s prior run have publicly denounced her, stating: “This person should not be president of the United States.”

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