
Former President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris by a significant margin in a pair of new surveys taken after President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid and endorsed his second-in-command.

As noted by Newsweek, an On Point Politics Politics/SoCal Research study was carried out the day after Biden’s statement and asked 801 probable voters. Among them, 51 percent indicated their support for Trump if the 2024 contest took place today, while 43 percent chose Harris. Six percent of the respondents were still undecided.

“Despite garnering millions of donation dollars only hours after Biden stepped down, Harris’ poll performance has shifted little since On Point Politics/SoCal Research conducted a similar poll on July 17. The July 17 poll surveyed 800 voters, of which 52 percent said they would vote for Trump and 44 percent said Harris,” Newsweek continued. “At the time, voters also were polled about who they were more likely to vote for between Biden and Trump since Biden was still in the running. Trump still received the most support at 51 percent, with Biden at 45 percent.”

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