
Donald Trump slammed Joe Biden for ignoring the wake of murdered NYPD officer Jonathan Diller even though he was only half an hour away.

The former Republican president also accused his Democrat rival of not backing the police because his liberal supporters 'won't let him'.

Trump attended the offiier's wake on Thursday as Biden was also in New York for a political fundraising event with former Democrat presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Trump told Fox News that Biden could have been at the wake 'within a half an hour depending on the mode of travel, they have some pretty fast travel.'

He went on: 'I think that politically he (Biden) can't support the police. I think he's also making a mistake, but I think politically his base won't let him support the police.'

Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Wikimedia Commons Flickr/ Gage Skidmore

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