President Trump's Iowa advantage is slipping as Democrats are beating out Republicans in total active voters on their rolls, after adding more than twice as many as the GOP since January. 

Democrats hold a 4,952 voter advantage despite beginning the year with a more than 26,000 voter deficit.

After adding 60,556 active voters since the start of the year, Democrats now have 674,455 voters registered, according to figures from the secretary of state's office. Republicans added 29,323 over the same period, bringing their total to 669,503.

In Iowa, where Trump trounced Hillary Clinton in 93 of the state's 99 counties and won by 9 points, a bigger margin than Texas, a 2024 win for Trump had not seemed in doubt. Iowa has the highest concentration of counties that first went for President Barack Obama in 2012 and then for Trump four years later.

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