Moscow is sounding the alarm about the United States government's continued efforts to lead the entire world into a global nuclear holocaust.

Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov at the recent Moscow Nonproliferation Conference told an audience that the West, led by the U.S., is inching closer towards nuclear conflict as it interferes with Russia's efforts to remove Ukraine from the clutches of the Western deep state.

The entire world is in a state of crisis right now, no doubt. And the U.S. is largely responsible for the continued escalation of these problems with its blatant violations of international arms laws, Lavrov explained.

The mechanisms that govern arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation are under attack by Washington, Lavrov said, adding that the U.S. has been "cyclically combining the deliberate destruction of balanced and equal [arms control] agreements" using "blatantly dishonest schemes."

If there was ever a simple phrase to describe the United States in 2024, by the way, "blatantly dishonest schemes" pretty much covers it.


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