  • by:
  • 02.07.2024
  • Source: Vetted Sources
  • 02/07/2024

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) believes it is time for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to step down following the fiasco with the disastrous pro-migration border bill, he told reporters this week.

“I think it is,” Cruz replied when asked if it is time for McConnell, who turns 82 this month, to step down.

“Everyone here also supported a leadership challenge to Mitch McConnell in November. I think a Republican leader should actually lead this conference and should advance the priorities of Republicans,” the Texas senator said, detailing what he said during the leadership election in November of 2022.

“It was right after a very disappointing election, 2022. The wind was at our back. It should have been a phenomenal Republican election year. Republicans should have won the Senate. We should have won a big majority in the House. Instead, we lost a seat in the Senate. And we barely got a majority in the House,” he said, explaining that it should have served as a major wake-up call.

Source: Breitbart
Senator Ted Cruz by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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