
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) has reportedly told his colleagues to oppose the idea of term limits, which aligns with his past public statements.

A report from Axios said two sources indicated McConnell told Senate Republicans that “imposing term limits on the Senate leader is a bad idea during a Wednesday meeting about the direction of the conference”:

McConnell was one of several senators who spoke during an hour-and-a-half conference meeting, which was called by conservative Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.). McConnell spoke against imposing term limits for the top GOP position, calling it a bad idea, according to two sources in the room. It’s something the [sic] has opposed in the past. McConnell said term limits would weaken the leader’s power to do their job and potentially hurt fundraising.

Source: Breitbart
Mitch McConnell by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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