
The recent denial of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Just the News regarding records from the investigation into GBI Strategies has raised concerns of a familiar theme: government opacity in the name of an ongoing investigation.

According to Just the News, Michigan city and state authorities were investigating allegations of voter registration fraud during the 2020 presidential election. At the center of this investigation was GBI Strategies.

Local law enforcement and state agencies initiated the inquiry, but it was not long before the FBI took the reins, assuming control of the investigation into GBI Strategies. 

Contacts between the FBI and local law enforcement persisted into 2022, but details of what transpired after that remain hidden from the public eye. In an effort to uncover this, Just the News filed a FOIA to access critical information about the investigation.

Their FOIA request sought "copies of all reports, documents, and records about GBI Strategies, including all communication and correspondence regarding investigations of GBI Strategies with Michigan government officials, city and state law enforcement agencies in Michigan, and all other state government officials and law enforcement agencies involved in investigations of GBI Strategies."


Source: Newsweek
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