
The second highest ranking official in Texas says he will call on the governor to announce a special legislative session to address Colony Ridge, a massive housing development north of Houston that has become a hub for illegal immigrants.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, a Republican, said on Tuesday that he plans to ask Governor Greg Abbott to convene a special legislative session to address concerns about Colony Ridge, which many fear has become a strategic center for Mexican cartels to operate in the United States.

“Once I get a little more legal foundation on this to see what we can do I am going to ask Governor Abbott to address some of these issues in a special session,” Patrick said after he was asked about The Daily Wire’s report on Colony Ridge by Texas radio host Michael Berry. “We can’t have entire cities of people who are here illegally with basically no law enforcement, in some cases I’m told no running water, it’s a very dangerous place to be. This is not what America was built on. This massive complex of people here illegally creating their own city north of Houston, its just unacceptable.”
Greg Abbott by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr
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