
Voters trust former President Trump to navigate issues with Ukraine, Israel and China more than President Biden, a new poll found.

The Bloomberg News and Morning Consult Poll found that more voters said they trust Trump to handle relations between the U.S. and China. Forty-six percent said they trust Trump with the issue, while 34 percent said they trust Biden more. Twenty percent of respondents said they didn’t trust either one of them to handle foreign policy with China.

Similarly, 45 percent of respondents said they trust Trump to handle the Russia-Ukraine war. Biden again earned less trust among voters, with 34 percent. Twenty-one percent said neither candidate is trustworthy to handle the war, the poll found.

Slightly more voters were undecided when it came to the Israel-Hamas war, the survey found. Twenty-four percent of respondents said they didn’t trust either Trump or Biden to handle the unfolding conflict in the Middle East.

Source: The Hill
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