Since early voting commenced in the Georgia runoff between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, the corporate media has made much of the former’s funding advantage as if this is somehow unusual for an incumbent seeking reelection.

Far more newsworthy are the sources of Warnock’s cash. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) shows that Warnock has received individual contributions totaling $65.2 million, of which 88.8 percent came from out-of-state donors.

Indeed, Warnock raised slightly less money from individual Georgians that did Walker. Peach State residents contributed $7.3 million to Warnock while donating $7.5 million to Walker. The senator, however, received $57.8 million from contributors who don’t live in the state he ostensibly represents — including $13.4 million from California and $6.9 million from New York. 
100 us dollar bill by Nathan Dumlao is licensed under Unsplash
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