Maxine Waters is one the Democrats driving the left’s impeachment push.

The California Democrat made no secret that removing the President from office is her top goal.

And Maxine Waters just threw down an ultimatum to President Trump that he is going to hate.

In the wake of the Mueller report exonerating the President on collusion with Russia and failing to bring any charges on obstruction of justice, Democrats are desperately trying to breathe life into their efforts to impeach the President.

House Financial Services Committee chairwoman Maxine Waters announced she and other committee chairs were subpoenaing financial records for Deutsche Bank – the financial institution which loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to Donald Trump.

Politico reports:

Deutsche Bank has long been a top target for Democrats. The bank lent Trump hundreds of millions of dollars over the years for property development, and it has also been under scrutiny for its role in Russian money laundering. Democrats have said they want to know whether Russia has had financial leverage over the president via Deutsche Bank and other loans.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee, said in a statement Monday that the potential use of the U.S. financial system for illicit purposes was a “very serious concern.”

“The Financial Services Committee is exploring these matters, including as they may involve the President and his associates, as thoroughly as possible pursuant to its oversight authority, and will follow the facts wherever they may lead us,” she said.

Waters and other Democrats resurrected the long sine debunked conspiracy theory that Deutsche Bank rests at the center of a massive Russian money laundering scheme which involves using Trump real estate property to hide illicit Russian cash.

Liberals eagerly dove down this rabbit hole because they believe it explains why Donald Trump praises Vladimir Putin and how the Trump campaign and the Russians hid their collusion during the campaign.

It’s all fake news and nonsense.

But it lets the anti-Trump media run wild with more Russia speculation.

Previously, Donald Trump had stated that Robert Mueller investigating his business dealings was a red line.

Now Democrats are prepared to blow past that warming and go nuclear by launching a fishing expedition into Trump’s finances without any evidence of wrongdoing.

Keep following Vetted Sources for any new updates in this ongoing story.
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