
With all the mad hype you would think that the Joy candidate during a period of high inflation and general economic misery would be performing well among a large group of Americans.

Instead, the latest Quinnipiac poll shows that Kamala is not only losing white voters 46/50 but also Hispanics 44/52. Notably, these numbers show Trump performing better among Hispanics than he is among whites.

Kamala is winning blacks 83/10 which would be better news if Obama hadn’t won this group 93% to 6%. To paraphrase a certain presidential candidate, I knew Obama, Kamala is not Obama.

Even worse, Kamala isn’t even hitting Biden’s numbers among black voters in 2020. She’s underperforming the old white man she accused of being a racist among black voters.

Strikingly, 54% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorable view of Kamala. That’s highr than the 51% of white voters.

And despite the endless campagn tour, hardly anyone feels like they don’t know enough about or haven’t heard enough about Kamala.

The unfavorables for Kamala are really striking. She’s at 9% unfavorable among black people.

Finally, despite media narratives, Kamala lags Trump in voter enthusiasm 70/71

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