Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned.

“It’s very possible that the instantly formed media narrative — Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy — will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.
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