
Recent videos and photographs circulated on social media and by news outlets show Border Patrol agents opening Texas Border fence gates to take custody of migrants making landfall into the United States. One video revealed a Border Patrol agent physically cutting concertina wire installed by the state to accept the surrender of a group of migrants. A CBP source says the actions are required by law and recently enhanced by policy enacted after the 2021 Haitian Border Crisis in Del Rio.

According to a source within U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a policy measure implemented after members of the Border Patrol Mounted Horse Unit were falsely accused of whipping Haitian Migrants in Del Rio further limited the Border Patrol’s ability to arrest migrants in certain dangerous environments. The memo limited the agent’s ability to conduct arrests in waterways or on border fences. Breitbart Texas received and reviewed a copy of the 2021 memo authored by Tony L. Barker, acting chief of the Law Enforcement Directorate for the Border Patrol.

Source: Breitbart
Border Wall by Shawn Hurley is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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