Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis released a new campaign ad on Monday that mirrored the blockbuster movie "Top Gun: Maverick." The "Top Gov" ad featured DeSantis fighting back against corporate media reporters during exchanges he has had during press conferences while in office.

DeSantis dressed in a flight jacket begins by saying, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your Governor speaking. Today’s training evolution: dogfighting. Taking on the corporate media."

The scene resembled that of Tom Cruise's character Capt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in the blockbuster movie, instructing Top Gun graduates on a new mission. DeSantis continued, "The rules of engagement are as follows: Number one, don’t fire unless fired upon, but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force."

Ron DeSantis by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr
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