Chuck Schumer made thwarting Donald Trump’s agenda his number one priority from the moment the President took office.

Schumer and the Democrats filibustered and obstructed at every turn to deny President Trump political victories.

But then Chuck Schumer left everyone speechless with a surprising confession about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump carried Upper Midwest industrial states like Pennsylvania, Michigan Wisconsin, on the strength of his promise to get tough with China on trade.

Trump saw that globalist trade deals gutted the nation’s manufacturing industry and sent jobs and wealth to China.

Then-candidate Trump told voters that he would put America First and renegotiate trade deals with China in order to put U.S. workers first.

The Chinese are balking at giving up their sweetheart deals and are threatening to back out of concessions they already made.

To show that he means business, the President recently announced 25 percent tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

Trump declared that “For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!”

President Trump’s announcement picked up a surprising supporter – Chuck Schumer.

Schumer tweeted in response to the President, “Hang tough on China, President @realDonaldTrump. Don’t back down.  Strength is the only way to win with China.”
Despite the hysteria from establishment Republicans a liberal media members, President Trump tariffs on steel and other Chinese goods have not hurt the economy.

To the contrary, April’s jobs report showed 263,000 new jobs, and the economy grew at a blockbuster 3.2 percent rate in the first quarter for 2019.

Keep following Vetted Sources for any new developments in this ongoing story.
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