
In less than five months Joe Biden has brought this country to the brink.

After years of cowering under Donald Trump, terrorism is back and proud. Peace in the Middle East, one of Trump’s most spectacular achievements has been shattered. Biden simply unfroze billions of dollars of sanctioned money for Iran and topped it off with a quick 135 million dollar love gift. Within days Hamas rockets were raining down on Israel and Jews were being attacked on the streets of American cities. Four years of peace under Trump were in the past.

For some anti-Semites in Biden’s Democratic Party the death rate in Israel was not good enough. A writer, working for CNN, tweeted, “the world today needs a Hitler”.  After pressure, CNN ended their seven-year relationship with the writer. Twitter, which banned former president, Donald Trump, and censors this writer, has apparently allowed 17,000 pro Hitler tweets.

Biden crippled American energy independence with the stroke of a pen, ending the Keystone pipeline and 11,000 jobs. Six presidents had desperately sought energy independence before Trump had finally succeeded.

Russian hackers were allowed to shut down the Colonial Oil pipeline which supplied gas to the East Coast of America. Biden rewarded Russia afterward by lifting sanctions against their own gas pipeline to Germany.

Biden followers, buoyed by an adoring media were philosophical. “Who needs jobs anyway?” They crowed. See? Communism works.  Or, at least, the American corporate version of communism works. Small businesses couldn’t find workers to hire. They were being paid by the government to do nothing. It was keeping the big multinational corporate monopolies fat. The teacher’s union demanded more money for its members, even while insisting that all schools remain closed. 

When gasoline shortages caused cars to line up at stations across the East coast for the first time since Jimmy Carter, the Biden White House cheered. People should buy electric cars anyway, they said. It is better for the environment.

As it turns out, the gasoline shortages caused prices of everything else to climb. Once again, in a Jimmy Carter redux, America began to experience inflation. 4.2% for the month of April, 2021. Biden’s promise that only the rich would be taxed rang hollow. It is the poor and the senior citizens who are crushed by inflation.

The American Border with Mexico was turned into a drama of child trafficking and children as young as four years old, left without water in the desert. People who had feigned concern for illegal immigrants in cages now ignored the plight of thousands. Border agents announced they had confiscated three years of drugs in one month. 

Still, Biden blamed it all on Donald Trump, even though Biden, himself, had invited the problem by stopping the building of the wall, announcing his “open border” policy and ending the carefully negotiated “remain in Mexico agreement.” Thousands of illegals showed up at the border wearing “Biden” t-shirts.

A president who ostentatiously used a mask when doing zoom conference calls and kept children from going to school, was now allowing immigrants with COVID into the country unhindered. They were put on planes and buses and sent to places across America.  It was collateral damage, part of the price to bring in more votes for the Democratic Party. We have to change Arizona and Texas. We have to take back the Supreme Court.

Biden was asked about his Republican opponent in 2024. “I don’t know if there will be a Republican Party,” he answered. It was an ominous observation. The FBI was ordered to conduct an early morning raid on the attorney representing his political opponent. The IRS was beefed up with a huge budget. They would likely be turned loose on political enemies as they had operated under Obama.

Some of the great legacies of the Trump presidency remain conspicuously unchallenged. Don’t expect Joe Biden to interfere with the remake of the Veteran’s Administration although he will use Big Tech search engines to give himself the credit. 

Likewise, Biden will keep the exquisitely crafted USMCA. The new NATO is another Trump achievement that is too good to mess with. Don’t expect Biden to have a Rose Garden ceremony where he passes out billion-dollar checks to the donor nations who Trump had finally succeeded in getting to pay their fair share.

Watching Biden’s presidency crumble around him seems to bring no pleasure to former president Donald Trump. I was able to see him earlier in the month at Mar a Lago. When the subject of Biden’s problems came up Trump said softly, “All he had to do was nothing.”
Sometimes doing nothing is not as easy as it sounds. 

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