

Trump: Black community's distrust in law enforcement is 'a very sad problem'
Trump says that police need to make changes so African Americans can have more trust in Law Enforcement. Read More.
George Floyd’s Brother Urges Peace: Rioting ‘Not What My Brother Was About’
George Floyd's brother says that George wouldn't want this to happen because of him. Read More.
Biden insists black support must be earned while at first in-person campaign event in months
Biden says that you must earn black support while at his first campaign in years. Read More.
'Punk ass teenagers': UFC champion Jon 'Bones' Jones confronts spray paint-wielding protesters
UFC Champion Jon "Bones" Jones confronted teenagers wielding spray paint. Read More.
Cardi B: Looters who torched AutoZone, ransacked Target and liquor store had 'no choice'
Cardi B says that looters who burnt down a Target and destroyed an Auto Zone had "no choice" Read More.
CNN’s Van Jones: White, Liberal Hillary Voters More Dangerous Than the KKK
Van Jones says that white liberal Hillary voters are more dangerous than the KKK. Read More.
New Jersey governor hints at lifting church services ban, the last in the nation
NJ Governor says that opening churches will be the last step of reopening. Read More.
Employees at McDonald's store strike after claiming they were told to wear dog diapers for masks
Employees at McDonald's rage after being told to wear dog diapers for masks. Read More.
US and allies mull alliance to move business from China to nations with shared values
US and allies move business matters away from China and towards other nations. Read More.
Mika Brzezinski Demands Twitter Erase ‘Sick, Disgusting’ President Trump from Its Platform
Mika Brzezinski says that Twitter should erase Donald Trump from its platform. Read More.
If Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt, so do Matt Lauer and every man accused
Joe Biden gets the benefit of the doubt for accusations made by Tara Reade and so should everybody else. Read More.
Donald Trump Optimistic About ‘Staggeringly Good’ Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine
Trump is happy with progress of a new improved coronavirus vaccine. Read More.
Aaron Rodgers likens stay-at-home orders to 'house arrest'
NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers compares government lockdown to house arrest. Read More.
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